To find out more, or join a group, take a look at the cards below.
For more information on the group, click the downward arrow next to the number of groups
To contact the groups co-ordinator, or a specific group leader click here, or on any of the images. A contact form will open in a new browser tab.
If you can't find what you are looking for, or simply have an idea for a new group, you can suggest a new group, or read and comment on the suggestions for new groups, please go to the Interests, Ideas & Comments page
The Goring Gap u3a has over 350 members and 33 groups spanning 26 activities.
The activities of the Groups range from Arts and Crafts, through Health and Fitness, History to Social; there’s something for everyone in their Third Age.
The normal schedule of group meetings is shown in the calendar below.
We have now made arrangements with certain external organisations to host "associate groups". These are identified by a small icon next to the group name.
Normally, u3a groups are run by members, for members, at no charge (except for any expenditure recovery e.g. hall hire).
Associate groups are frequently lead by u3a members but may be other societies (with their own rules and conditions), or perhaps may be run as a commercial enterprise and charge fees.
It is important to note that associate groups and their leaders are not covered by the u3a liability insurance - members should satisy themselves that appropriate cover is in place.
Groups looking for new members
New Italian Conversation group. We would welcome a couple more members who have some grasp of Italian and a willingness to ‘have a go’! At the moment, we meet at 7pm for an hour on the first Thursday of the month in the Coppa Club, The Swan, Streatley. A huge bonus for us is having a fluent Italian speaker. It is a joy to listen to Italian as well to have her encouragement and interest in what we have to say. To help launch each session, we choose a topic, such as ‘hobbies/interests’, and prepare a couple of questions related to it to ask each other and the conversation takes off from there. The format of the meetings will evolve and we welcome new ideas.We murder the language, we laugh, we learn and we all share an interest in all things Italian! If you are interested in finding out more about the group, please contact Alexandra Buhagiar click here,
Table Tennis has room for a few more players. It meets at 3.30pm to 5pm on the first and third Thursdays at Storton Lodge.
Book group 3 which meets on the first Monday morning of the month has room for a couple of new members.
Beginners Italian is open to new members
French Conversation 2
Book Group 6 (Close Reading) which meets monthly on Monday mornings in member's homes
New Art group. Many of our artists enjoy working together on the same theme. However, some of you may prefer to do your own individual work with a group of like-minded enthusiasts. We would like to set up a group that caters for such individuals. You would bring your own work to continue with at the sessions.This group will meet in Goring from 10am until noon on alternate Monday mornings
Bridge group has restarted after its usual summer break. They welcome existing players, of all skill levels, to join any time.
Groups starting up but not established with a meeting time
Greek Mythology - This could also encompass Roman and other mythologies.
Spanish for beginners
Potential new Groups
Art History. The existing group is now full but we can help and support you to set up a new group.