
Goring Gap u3a has a management committee of eight people drawn from and elected by its members. To contact any of the committee member please click on the link under their photo.



My main responsibility to maximise the mutual enjoyment and benefits experienced by our members by co-ordinating the activities and communications of our u3a. I do this by: 

As a Trustee I also have a responsibility to protect our charitable status by ensuring compliance with our constitution and relevant legislation or regulations.

I am also responsible for Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The u3a recognises that all members have the right to participate in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm, and poor practice, and has designated a Safeguarding Officer to ensure this is the case.


Vice Chair

Responsibilities would be



My responsibilities are



My responsibilities are


Membership Secretary

My responsibilities are


Assistant Membership Secretary

My responsibilities are

Assist Membership Secretary in all tasks:


Groups Co-ordinator

My responsibilities are


Speaker Organiser

My responsibilities are


Social Events Organiser

My responsibilities are


Newsletter Editor

My responsibilities are

Non Committee roles


Bookings, and Hall Administration 

My responsibilities are



My responsibilities are


IT Systems Advisor

My responsibilities are

(Goring Gap u3a uses a number of IT Systems to  support its activities. Beacon is the computer application used by u3a's to manage the day to day operations and finances. We use Google Workspace to develop and host our web and email services.) 



Technical Team

Our responsibilities

The U3A is a UK-wide movement which brings together people in their ‘third age’ to develop their interests and continue their learning in a friendly and informal environment. Our inaugural meeting was held in June 2006 and membership has grown to our present 370 members. As we expand we are also able to increase our range of activities. We are a self-help organisation with charity status, run by volunteers. Like all U3A’s we are affiliated to the national body, the Third Age Trust. Click here to go to the U3A national web site. The Goring Gap U3A is a member of the Thames Valley U3A Network, an association of over 35 local U3As. The network puts on events, such as subject study days, that would not be possible for individual U3A
u3a is a UK-wide movement of locally-run interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun. Members explore new ideas, skills and activities together. The Goring Gap u3a inaugural meeting was held in June 2006 and our membership has grown to our present 370 members. As we expand we are also able to increase our range of activities. We are a self-help organisation with charity status, run by volunteers. Like all U3A’s we are affiliated to the national body, the Third Age Trust. Click here to go to the U3A national web site. The Goring Gap U3A is a member of the Thames Valley U3A Network, an association of over 35 local U3As. The network puts on events, such as subject study days, that would not be possible for individual U3A