Goring Gap u3a has a management committee of eight people drawn from and elected by its members. To contact any of the committee member please click on the link under their photo.
My main responsibility to maximise the mutual enjoyment and benefits experienced by our members by co-ordinating the activities and communications of our u3a. I do this by:
Working to maintain focus on our core mission of helping our members to Laugh Live and Learn
Chairing committee, general, and annual meetings, and ensuring that all decisions are carried through
Ensuring the continuing viability of the u3a by encouraging participation in the committee and supporting the induction of new committee members
Representing our u3a at National, Regional and Local levels, and with the local community
As a Trustee I also have a responsibility to protect our charitable status by ensuring compliance with our constitution and relevant legislation or regulations.
I am also responsible for Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
I am the designated Safeguarding Officer for our u3a, acting as the focal point for, and managing, any issues concerning Safeguarding and Member Protection .
To ensure that no member is discriminated against in any way
The u3a recognises that all members have the right to participate in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm, and poor practice, and has designated a Safeguarding Officer to ensure this is the case.
Vice Chair
Responsibilities would be
Fulfilling all the functions of the Chair in his/her absence
Advising and acting as support to the Chair to achieve his / her objectives
Undertaking individual pieces of work on behalf of the Committee and the organisation as a whole
Monitoring that decisions taken at meetings are implemented
Contributing where you can to help the Committee reach sound decisions and carry out agreed actions
To be a Trustee for Goring Gap u3a
My responsibilities are
Looking after the funds and being responsible for keeping an account of the financial transactions on a day to day basis
Setting a budget for approval by the committee and reporting the actual figures to the committee on a regular basis. Explaining major variances from budget or prior year figures.
Preparing the annual accounts for approval by the committee and subsequent review by an independent examiner.
Presenting the annual accounts to the members at the AGM
My responsibilities are
Record accurately the decisions, commitments and major discussion points at Committee Meetings.
Prepare draft minutes from each meeting for review and approval.
Prepare and distribute the Committee Agenda and Minutes in a timely manner
Prepare minutes from the AGM
Membership Secretary
My responsibilities are
Collecting membership subscriptions and maintaining the membership records using the Beacon Membership system
Processing new membership applications
Administering Gift Aid and submit Gift Aid claims to HMRC
Submitting lists for Third Age Matters magazine subscriptions
Maintaining membership records including Data Protection agreements and Gift Aid consents
Providing registers for main meetings.
Assistant Membership Secretary
My responsibilities are
Assist Membership Secretary in all tasks:
Collecting membership subscriptions and maintaining the membership records using the Beacon Membership system
Processing new membership applications
Administering Gift Aid and submit Gift Aid claims to HMRC
Submitting lists for Third Age Matters magazine subscriptions
Maintaining membership records including Data Protection agreements and Gift Aid consents
Providing registers for main meetings.
Groups Co-ordinator
My responsibilities are
Liaising with the group leaders to co-ordinate operational activities and issues
Acting as a focal point if enquiries and issues cannot be satisfactorily resolved directly with group leaders
Moderating suggestions for new groups and comments on the suggestions
Keeping members informed of Group activities by obtaining reports from Group Leaders and passing them on to the Newsletter Editor
Advertising our u3a in various free local publications and via appropriate electronic media
Maintaining the list of groups and the meetings calendar for the web site.
Speaker Organiser
My responsibilities are
Sourcing possible Speakers for the monthly meetings and suggest to committee
Managing contacts and the logistics of speaker approval and confirmation
Managing induction of speaker to venue and its facilities and constraints
Maintaining the list of speakers and meeting dates for the web site
The national u3a maintains a list of interesting and informative speakers who are available, sometimes for a fee, to present to u3a meetings, however I am always happy to receive suggestions from members. Please use the contact link left.
Social Events Organiser
My responsibilities are
Organising summer and Christmas lunches.
Organising outings for members.
Newsletter Editor
My responsibilities are
Collecting material for the thrice yearly newsletters
Editing and producing the newsletters using a desktop publishing program
Managing proof reading and compliance with Copyright and Data Protection Regulations
Managing the production of the physical newsletters and their distribution to members without email access
Sending the newsletter by email to remaining members
Removing relevant contact details from the newsletter for publication on the web site
Non Committee roles
Bookings, and Hall Administration
My responsibilities are
Managing hall bookings
Collecting and maintaining registers at each meeting
My responsibilities are
Supervise refreshments for main meetings in Goring Village Hall
Organise rota of helpers for refreshments
IT Systems Advisor
My responsibilities are
Assisting with the operation of the Beacon Membership system
Training Beacon users
Developing and maintaining the website and its applications
Managing the Goring Gap u3a Google Workspace domain and users
(Goring Gap u3a uses a number of IT Systems to support its activities. Beacon is the computer application used by u3a's to manage the day to day operations and finances. We use Google Workspace to develop and host our web and email services.)
Technical Team
Our responsibilities
Manage the zoom sessions for the hybrid meetings held in Goring Village Hall.