Acknowledgements and copyrights
This web site has been produced by Tom Rothwell, a Goring Gap u3a member, in association with the web-site sub committee of the Goring Gap u3a , the photography group of our U3A, and contributions from other local residents.
©2020 The Goring Gap u3a , and associated contributors. No part of this website or the electronic forms and associated applications may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission the copyright holder.
To request permission, contact the Chair, using the link on the contents page click here
The images used as banners on the top of each page are copyrighted and were kindly supplied for use on this site by
Home Page – Bernard Novell
Interests page – Bernard Novell
Groups page – From a portfolio provided by the Goring Gap u3a photography group, specifically for his image, John Douglass
Events page - Ron Bridle
Newsletters – Bernard Novell
Join – Ron Bridle
Contacts – Bernard Novell
Acknowledgements – From a portfolio provided by the Goring Gap u3a photography group, specifically for his image, John Douglass
Images used on the groups page were obtained from Google Images and were selected from the set categorised as labelled for non commercial reuse with modification.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate, the publisher disclaims liability for any loss or damage of whatever nature and extent resulting directly or indirectly from any omissions, incompleteness or errors.